Plex stream free movies shows live tv & more
Plex stream free movies shows live tv & more

plex stream free movies shows live tv & more

Now you do run into some legal issues here, so be careful that you don't upload content you didn’t buy. Your PC will need to be turned on for others to access it, but they can do it. You can also share your media folders across other users as well. I love this feature not only because I can upload my Blu-rays, but I don’t have to worry about the constant overturn of content that we experience with streaming services like Netflix. We think it’s pretty cool that you can also upload your own photos and music. When you go into your Plex app, you'll be able to pull those assets and watch them on-demand just like you would on any other streaming service. Then Plex will scan that folder and pull the files into your library.

plex stream free movies shows live tv & more

You’ll then connect Plex to that specific folder. You’ll need to set up a drive on your PC with the movies, shows, and music you want to add. We’ll start by explaining how to add your own movies, music, and photos to Plex. So how do you use Plex? Let's go ahead and take a tour of the interface.

Plex stream free movies shows live tv & more